maandag 17 maart 2008

Second Week at Reeds

This week had a good start. NOT! On Sunday we skipped dinner, because we wanted to go to a restaurant in Guildford called TGI Friday's, but guess what; access denied! Mr. Wakefield did not let us go to Guildford, even though the last time we ate was at least 7 hours ago (there is no lunch on Sundays, only brunch). So we asked if we could go to Joachim, to fill up our bellies. However, Mr. Wakefield said that we had already gone out too much this weekend and therefore we could not eat at Joachim's. Technically, he said that we had to die of starvation!

We were not going to take this obviously. Who do they think I am? I'm a die-hard gangster, a natural player, a bad-ass exchange student, who does not follow orders and who ignores the rules.

We put on our coats, tightened our shoe-laces and we were off. Sneaking through the bushes, dodging cameras and escaping from blood thursty security dogs, we made our way to the Oxshott train station. Some of our fellow inmates had died fighting; they gave up their lives for the greater good. May they rest in peace, Amen.

We got our tickets and ran to the bus as fast as we could. We arrived just in time. Imagine what would have happenend is we missed the bus... No dinner for us.

On our way to Friday's we calmed down a bit form the stressful escape and tried not to think about the painful punishments we could get because of our mischief. No posh English Reed's student had ever even dared to think about these ruthless actions. This had never been done.

For a moment we forgot the consequences of our little outing and we enjoyed our feast at Friday's. There were ridiculously juicy burgers, unbelievably healthy salads, tasty fish, taste bud tickling sauce and ludicrously delicious deserts. This may be a bit over the top and exaggerating, but compared to the food at Reed's, this was food from heaven. My roommate has actually taken thousands of vitamins and other pills with him to stay healthy.

We missed our bus back to Reed's , it was going to be almost impossible to arrive on time. We should have skipped that extra drink and that lovely desert. However, ourdesires were too strong and we could not resist the temptation.

We failed to slip into the boarding house unnoticed; the teacher-who was on duty- saw us and he demanded an explanation. For safety reasons, I'll tell you this; everything that I've just told you wasn't true. It was all made up and ful of lies, it was only told to make this story more intersting, seriously. This is what 'actually' happened: We met Joachim just outside the school grounds, so he could comfort our stomachs with nutrition. After that we walked the dog. In total this took more than two hours...

So now that you know the 'truth', I'll continue my weekly report.
As you would probably have guessed, this week was just like any other school week at Reed's; I followed all my classes, did my homework and tried to eat the 'lovely' school food.
In the fifth form, all students take the GCSE tests. This week the art students had their GCSE. On wednesday and Thursday they were busy drawing and painting as if their life depended on it (which was partially true in fact). Their hard work paid off though, the results were stunningly beautifuls; form huge self portraits to paintings of Westminster Abbey. One painting however was outstanding. The art teacher said that she had been working at this school for twenty years and she had never seen anything this good; someone had drawn himself, playing the guitar. It was perfect; from the flowing brown hair to the shining metal pieces ont the the guitar, he had thought of every single detail. Rembrandt was nothing compared to him.

Thursday is my favorite day. Cricket Day! It went very well naturally; bowled a bit, batted a bit, you know, the usual. It went so well that they want me to stay here next term so I could play for the first team. It's a great oppurtunity and I'm seriously considering it. Imagine, a beatiful day in England, sun is shining, birds are singing and you'e playing cricket on a fantastic English grass pitch, smacking the ball all over the place. I would have a great time.
However, I don't think school and my parents will allow it. 'Goodbye dream', I said, and it shattered to pieces.

I got kicked out of my room for the weekend because a friend of Frank's came over form Holland. I stayed at Sophie's on Friday and at Joachim's on Saturday.
On Friday night we went to Woking with the dutch squad (students fomr the dutch school). Laser Quest Time! Red laser beams, smoke everywhere, glowing paint, heavy equipment, 'real' laser guns, lights in every colour and a mayhem of crazy fighting teens.
to be continued...
I'll tell you about the rest tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.
I have to practise a striptease now, which I'll be performing tomorrow... Don't ask, you'll hear about it later...

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