donderdag 27 maart 2008

Last week at Reed's

My last week at Reed's was about to commence. These joyful tidings were to end in just 7 days. Never before had I experienced such a peaceful environment and mind relaxing atmosphere. I had found my inner self and wanted to retain this state of calmness by practising the art of Feng shui. I have also found God. I realized that I didn't want to be alone anymore. I wanted someone near me to keep me company and to look after me, someone to talk to when I felt lonely and abandoned, someone to ask for forgiveness and advice, in times of war and in times of peace and I wanted to feel safe again, without looking behind my back every two seconds. In the Chapel at Reed's the priest showed me the way to the safe haven. When I arrived there, a huge weight fell of my shoulders. I feel relieved now... I highly recommend this to everyone, every person on the whole wide world is equal and deserves this top priority. All you have to do is call 0900-sponsor-god or visit www.Ican' and everything will turn out just fine.

As you have probably noticed, the text above was sarcastic and satirizing, except for the part where I say I had a good time ofcourse. The Chapel did leave an impression, but not quiet the sort of impression that is described above, unfortunately.

This week wasn't contoversial at all; It began with an assembly (like every week), a short summary of the week before. This time however, there was a small guitar performance by one of the sixth formers. An electric guitar version of alla turca by Mozart, accompanied by the piano. Quiet amusing, it certainly was lads! 
Some surprises came along this week, for which I was unprepared. My flight back to Holland was on saturday. Funny thing was though, I had to leave on Thursday because the boarding house was closing! I was startled... What to do now?!? A solution came to me within a second. Ask God! And so I did. God told me to stay at Alicia's on Thursday and at Sophie's on Friday, and so I did.
On Thursday Anne-Lot and I received a wonderful tie, with Reeds's logo and Rijnlands Lyceum Cobham's logo on it, a very kind gesture.
After school, we went to Alicia's for a last small party with the dutch squad. That night there were a few misunderstandings and fights (two of our friends got sent away, everyone got depressed and we argued for the following two hours), but apart from that, we had a good time to my surprise.

Next day we got up early because we had a long day ahead of us. Watch out London, here we come! Joachim, Anne-Lot, Frank, Sophie and I shopped till we dropped, literally. We did shop a lot but we didn't buy a lot. There was actually one belt that I liked, but it wasn't available in my size. Frank had to catch an airplane so he wasn't able to fully enjoy this day. At the end of the day we dined at a sushi bar. I had never done this before so it was a new thing for me. All kinds of different dishes passed by. You just had to grab one, and enjoy! I had eaten sushi before so I didn't look a doosh-bag, trying to eat my Japanese food uncoördinated. I could not have imagined a better ending to my exchange than this; a sociable dinner with new friends, because what's more important in life than friends?


I'm out.

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