maandag 24 maart 2008

Second Week at Reeds part 2

After the Laserquest game, everyone wanted to go home to eat, except for me and Joachim. We discovered a thrilling arcade game (you know, the ones with the big tv screen and the fake guns), which we wanted to try. Half an hour later, we realized that we were simply too good for this game, that we had been holding everyone up for quiet some time already and that we should therefore try to rip our eyes of the screen and go to Sophie's to dine. With great mental strength we were able to pull this of.
Limo and Sjors prepared a lovely meal (pasta with chicken and a spicy sauce, for those of you who are intrigued to know about my stay at Reed's). 
At 12 o'clock everyone left except for the ones who were staying over; Alicia, Anne-Lot, Sophie (duh, it's her house) and me. That night they told each other some very interesting stories (I listened mostly). I'm very sorry guys, but they made me swear to keep it to myself...
On Saturday Alicia, Sophie and me wanted to go to London, but we woke up a bit too late, which made it impossible for us to go shopping in the Capital. Therefore we went to Woking, which wasn't as extravagant as London, but still a lot of fun. We visited clothing shops (a lot of them),ice cream stands, lingerie stores and ofcourse the Starbucks. Surprisingly we didn't buy a lot of things.
That night I stayed at Joachim's together with Tim. Things we did: watch tv, eat, drink, play on the Xbox, talk about girls, drink some more and probably some other typical boy things which I forgot.
On Sunday we watched another movie and then I went back to the boardinghouse to do my homework. I failed miserably in the latter though. I was still on the 'relax-mode' from the last two days, which made it impossible for me to focus on my school work, but you know me, I caught up on that work the following week ofcourse.

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