zondag 9 maart 2008

First Week at Reeds

Monday 8 am. Me, my dad and my mum arrived at Reed's School. We had an appointment with Mr. Caminada. He gave me my schedule, explained some necessary things to me and discussed the do's and do not's. Then a charming lady from the dutch school named Sophie entered the room. She would guide me to my first lesson; Tutor period. After this most interesting class we were off to the assembly, a standard procedure, which takes place every monday. It's simply a short summary of the week before. Very interesting once again. Here I met my roomie, Frank. Cool guy. The rest of day Joachim would lead the way, since we have exactly the same classes; Chemistry, physics, biology, just all the technical subjects (and ofcourse the basic subjects like french and dutch).
Every Monday there's basketball practise, which I thought might be fun to join. And it was! It was fun! Fun, fun, fun. A definite highlight in my week.
I heard there was indoor cricket training on Thursday, so I approached Mr. Medleycott. This guy played for the England, so I felt pretty honoured! How could I ever have imagined this, being trained by an actual England cricket player. I had never heard of him before though, but still...
Cricket Practise on thursday went very well. I don't have any cricket kit with me so I was only able to bowl. I believe they were quiet impressed. They asked if I would like to stay for the cricket season after I bowled my two first balls!
On friday a classmate of mine, Limo (who's real name is Ibrahim),invited everyone from the dutch school over to his house for a sleep-over. There were lots of boo's: Tons of beer and at least a million bottles of strong liquor. You don't want to know how wasted we got and what kind of things we did (without realising it), NOT! Ofcourse not people, you know me, I'm a goodie two-shoes!
On Sunday, Frank's dad came over and took his son, me and Rik with him to Brighton (which is-so i've heard- the gay capital of England). The weather was aweful; we got soaked everytime we went outside. Besides that it was great. We visited the pier, shopped till we dropped and had a very English-like high tea.
I'm really sorry but I simply don't miss you, I'm having the time opf my life here:-D !

1 opmerking:

leonie zei

hello Philip,
from your father this message; the return voyage was uneventfull, lots of kilometers further away from you. your sister is ok again after her fall and she was very happy to win her gold medal with acro last week. your mum is glowing with pride !! and I flew back from Dubai in the new KLM plane fitting 425 pax. the plane just does not end....
Well, the weather is just wet socks, but Sivas seems to enjoy it. This comp still gives us a lot of problems. hugs from all of us and see you in a few weeks! Pieter